Total site area: 50,789 ha, project site area: 50,789 ha. Piska Forest (pSCI: PLH280009) is one of the largest forest complexes in Poland. Coniferous woodland takes almost 48 % of all areas, mixed woodland 17 %, and inland water bodies - 13 % . Its southern part , situated on the Masurian Plain (sandras) is dominated by Scots pine woods with admixture of fir in more humid places, in north-eastern part of Piska Forest are mixed oak-pine forests and deciduous forest. Drainage of numerous forest marshes resulted in expansion of alder and birch wood. Most natural areas and protected in natural reserves are Krutynia Dolna, Pierwos Jezioro Nidzkie, Warnołty, Pogubie Wielkie. In the site are trees of monumental sizes e.g. oaks 3-4 m in girth (max 6m). lime 3 m and pine 3 m. In addition to species from Annex II, the flora of the site comprises protected species as well as species rare and endangered on the scale of the country and region. Piska Forest is very important area for animals listed on annex II of Council directive mammals Castor fiber (1337), Canis lupus (1352), Lutra lutra (1355), Lynx lynx (1361), amphibians and reptiles Triturus cristatus (1166), Bombina bombina (1188), Emys obicularis (1220).
The site have great biological biodiversity: 15 habitats types are listed in Annex I of Habitats Directive and 13 species from Annex II, including plant taxa. Plants listed on Annex II Council Directive Pulsaria patens (1477), Saxifraga hirculus (1528), Cypripedium caleolus (1902), Liparis loeselii (1903), Adenophora lilifolia (4068).
Piska Forest (with adjoining to site areas) is most important place for Emys orbicularis in northeast Poland. There lives most numerous (almost 100 individuals) population of turtles in Warmia and Mazury.
Total site area: 21,495 ha, project site area: 21,495 ha. The Napiwodzko-Ramucka Forest (pSCI: shadow list) comprises part of the Olsztyn Lakeland. The area, dominated by postglacial landscape, is characterized by diversified surface features. Large areas are occupied by wetland and water habitats: lakes, bogs, marshes. In the part of forest situated on moraines denivelation reach 50-70 m, and on sandras to 25 m. Considerable part of Forest is drained by the Omulew River, the southern part belongs to the drainage basin of Orzyc River and north-eastern fragment to the drainage basin of Łyna River. There are about 60 lake, mostly mesoand eutrophic, dystrophic lakes are rare. There is a large area of fens and transition mires. Forests are dominated by Scits pine wood, in area depressions, patches of mixed forest, humid coniferous forests and coniferous mire wood occur. The site have great biological biodiversity: 13 habitats types are listed in Annex I of Habitats Directive and 13 species from Annex II, including plant taxa. Many rare and endangered plants contributes to high natural values of the site Drepanocladus vernicosus (1393), Botrychium simplex (1419), Pulsatilla patens (1477), Saxifraga hirculus (91528), Liparis loeselii (1903), Betula humilis, Carex limosa, Chamaedaphne calyculata, Hammarbya paludosa, Microstilis monophyllos, Sphagnum fuscum, Stellaria crassifolia. Napiwodzko-Ramucka Forest is very important place for Canis lupus. The invertebrate species are represented very numerous but most important are Lycaena diaspar., Maculinea arion, Iphiclides podalirius. The avifauna of the area is very rich 35 species are listed on annex I of Council Directive Ciconia nigra (A030), Ciconia ciconia (A031) more than 20 nestling pairs, Haliaetus albicilla (A075) 9 nestling pair, Pandion haliaetus (A094) 6 netling pairs, Crex crex (A112) ca 150 pairs, Tetrao tetrix tetrix 60 male.
Napiwodzko-Ramucka Forest is the part of important bird area (E018), and key area of Emys orbicularis in Northeast-Poland. There are local populations with more than 50 individuals.
Total site area: 62,042 ha, project site area: 5,870 ha. The Białowieża Primeval Forest (pCSI: PLC200004) is a relict of primeval forest landscape on early glacial moraine plateaus dominating once lowlands of central Poland and north Podlasie. It is a lowland forest typical of a boreal-midlatitude zone. High percentage of over 100-year old stands of natural origin and diverse age-structure create relict and primeval character of the forests.
There are 17 habitat types listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive covering altogether over 80% of the total area. There are following habitat types listed in Annex I to the Habitat Directive present in the area: Natural euthrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition-type vegetation covering 0.05 % of the total area, Natural dystrophic lakes and ponds - 0.02, Rivers with muddy banks with Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p. vegetation - 0.01, European dry heaths - 0.01, Xeric sand calcareous grasslands - 0.01, Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco Brometalia)(*important orchid - 0.01, Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas (and submountain areas, in Continental - 0.01, Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clavey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae) - 0.20, Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) - 0.10, Active raised bogs - 0.25, Transition mires and quaking bogs - 0.80, Alkaline fens - 0.20, Galio-Carpinetum oak-hornbeam forests - 63.05, Bog woodland - 4.35, Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) - 12.10, Riparian mixed forest of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor, Fraxinus excelsior or Fraxinus angustifolia - 0.10, Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp. - 0.40.
High percentage of old and dead trees is the reason for occurrence of rich invertebrate fauna, especially of saproxylic insects. A considerable number of these species is rare in the whole of Europe. It is Important Bird Area of international importance E31. Twelve bird species listed in Polish Red Book (RB) occur in the area. Totally breed about 240 bird species. There are 38 animal species listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. Mammals are represented by 58 species (72% of the lowland fauna in Poland). The Forest is an important site for conservation of big carnivores such as Canis lupus and Lynx lynx. It is also the most important site of Bison bonasus in Poland. The latest catalogue of primeval forest fauna comprises almost 11, 000 species (40% of all species in Poland). It is estimated that it is only a half of the total number of animal species potentially present in the Primeval Forest. The list of vascular plant flora is almost complete and comprises 1020 species which is a half of the total number of vascular plant species present on the lowland area of Poland. 6 of these species are listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. There are localities of a dozen or so orchid and other endangered plant species. Moreover, there are 325 lichen species, 260 bryophyte species and 1200 largefructification fungus species.
Triturus cristatus was a common species in the area in the past, at present it is disappearing rapidly from most of the localities. It is important to stop the process as not to let the last fragment of lowland forest of a primeval character loose its biological diversity. The same situation is observed within a population of Bombina bombina. The probable cause of this disappearance is habitat loss due to overgrowing of existing water bodies. There are records that in the past there was a stable breeding population of Emys orbicularis in the Bialowieza Forest. At present, however, the species is rarely seen and the egg laying grounds are not known. It is therefore important to restore the healthy population which would be able to breed and survive in this pristine forest.
Total site area: 15,189 ha, project site area: 1,228 ha. The area (pSCI: PLH080007) is located in the region of Bruzda Zbąszyńska trough, which is a wide low between the Łagów and Poznań lake area. The area is characterized by complicated hydrographic system: The Obra River cuts in as a meridional running trough, crosses many lakes, including the largest Zbąszyńskie lake (7,4 km2). Lakes are shallow and eutrophic, surrounded by vast areas of fens, transition mires and riverine forest and brush communities. In the northern part of the area a series of deeper and less eutrophic lakes is located. The forests cover of the area is ca. 45%; pine forests predominate. There are also patches of meadows and pastures in the site. The population of this region is sparse; relatively intensive agriculture and fish farming are predominating forms of human husbandry.
There are well preserved habitat types (7 habitats listed in Annex I of Habitats Directive) in the site. Among them, particularly valuable are priority alluvial forests and eutrophic water reservoirs with their vegetation. The area is important for animals using wetland habitats; the occurrence of 4 species from Annex II of Habitats Directive have been found.
Total site area: 201 ha, project site area: 208 ha. Percentage share of habitat classes in the site (pSCI: PLH080017) is as following: bogs, marshes, water fringed vegetation, fens -35, broad-leaved deciduous forest 14, Coniferous forests -11, grassland and scrub habitats 40. The complex of swamp ecosystems overgrowing the extensive old lake bed filled with organic lake sediments. In the central part of the site there is uncovered transition mire surrounded be meadows, swamp alder forests and alluvial forests.
Very well preserved transition mire and patch of alluvial forest. Unique flora with a dozed or so of endangered species; important locality of amphibians and reptiles (11 species) including 3 species from Annex II of Habitats directive, among others European pond turtle Emys orbicularis.
Total site area: 789 ha, project site area: 647 ha. The site (pSCI: PLH080018) included estuary section of Ilanka valley. In this part width of valley reach to 1 km. The river is meandering among low moors, abandoned overgrowing meadows and self restoring riparian forests. In some places ground is very moistening, on small area occurs floating vegetation on water. Area inaccessible, riparian forests in some places undergo to alder forests. Percentage share of habitat classes is as following: running waters -1,64, coniferous forests -20,17, broad-leaved deciduous forests -37,78, systems of plots and cultivations -0,37, meadows and pastures 11,09, agriculture lands - 28,87, other land -0,08.
Well maintained, natural valley of not big river. Mosaic of cyperaceous rushes, riverside forests, scrubs and old river-beds. There are 8 types of habitat listed on Annex I of Habitat Directive that cover more than 50% of total area. 7 species of animals listed on Annex II have been recognized here. In West-Poland it is the area with most numerous sites of Emys orbicularis.
Total site area: 165,044 ha, project site area: 105 ha. The site (pSCI: PLH320026) included the biggest part of large forest complex situated on sandy plain in central and lower Drawa. In the forests there predominate pine coniferous forests with admixture of birch oak and poplar. Forests have been deformed due to the management conducted on this area for a few hundred years. However some parts of forests e.g. Melico-Fagetum, Luzulo pilosae-Fagetum have maintained their natural character. There occur hills in some places, they are of 220 m height. The most valuable part of mainstay is its central part situated in the corner of Drawa and Płociczna river. There are numerous lakes (the biggest one is Ostrowieckie lake -370 ha) on the area. Rivers are characterized by swift steam caused by strong slope of terrain. River beds and valleys have maintained character similar to natural. There are different type of lakes on the area-eutrophic, mesotrophic as well as dystrophic.
At least there are 27 species of birds listed on Annex I of Birds Directive and 6 species of Polish Red Book on the area. Rich fauna, among other, strong population of Castor fiber, Lutra lutra and Emys orbicularis.
Total site area: 4,561 ha, project site area: 931 ha. The site (pSCI: PLH300023) is the western part of Pojezierze Krzywińskie lake area, situated to the east of the Pojezierze Sławskie lake area and bordering on Równina Kościańska plain on the north, Wysoczyzna Leszczyńska plateau on the south and Wał Żerkowski on the east. The hole region cavers about 650 sq. km. The proposed site extends from the south-eastern shores of Wonieść reservoir to Krzywin. The site is a mosaic of forests, arable fields and meadows. Worthy of notice are valuable complexes of meadows and mires on lacustrine chalk, with interesting calciphilous vegetation.
The main values of the site are complexes of meadows and fens with the rich hygro- and calciphilous flora, comprising many plant rarities on the scale of Wielkopolska. Altogether 11 habitats types listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive have been identified. In Drzeczkowo the occurrence of Emys orbicularis (Annex II) has been founded.
Total site area: 46,089 ha, project site area: 590 ha. Area included part of forest complex situated on the edge zone of Warta valley on its northern site as well as forests extended to Dębno and Myśla valley. This area is characterized by high degree of wood cover. Most of forest complex consists of management forests, in which occur numerous peat lands. West part of area is divided by ecosystems of Myśla and Kosa rivers. On the rivers edges there are small old river-beds with different degree of peat and land-forming process as well as wide enlaves of water-boggy, rushes and forest communities. On the whole area there are different size water bodieseutrophic and dystrophic lakes. Characteristic elements of landscape are peat lands. The area is in less degree deformed by anthropogenic factors and urbanized.
At least 24 birds species listed on Annex I of Birds Directive as well as 4 species listed on Polish Red Book are present. During breeding period area is settled by (at least 1% of national population) following species: Haliaeetus albicilla, Milvus migrans, Milvus milvus, Bubo bubo, Pernis apivorus and Anser anser. It is a place of Emys orbicularis occurrence.