The main objective of the project is to ensure the favourable conservation status of Emys orbicularis in the North European lowland. Further objectives is to ensure favourable conservation status of Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus in the areas where they occur together with Emys orbicularis, and to make a demonstration project on how to protect and ensure Bombina bombina in artificial and drained lowland meadows of Brandenburg, Germany and in the large natural swamps and fenland of Zuvintas National Park in Lithuania.
Other Objectives:
To save the small and isolated populations of Emys orbicularis from extinction and to increase the total population size in the extreme northern part of its distribution range (Germany, Poland and Lithuania) in order to preserve the gene-fund of the species. In very small populations e.g. in Germany, few sites in Northwest-Poland and Northeast-Poland the return of the negative development of populations will be prevented with rearing of young turtle from nature. The small and isolated northern populations of Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus will be saved from extinction, and where Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus have large populations over 1 000 adult these populations will be secured.
To secure the long-term viability of the populations of Emys orbicularis in the northern range of the species range (Germany, Poland and Lithuania) and the long-term viability of the populations of Triturus cristatus and Bombina bombina in all three project countries. For turtles this means determining of inbreeding effects in smaller populations and developing and realizing a suitable population management for Emys orbicularis-populations with the help of genetic analyses.
To improve the habitats for increasing the capacity of the habitats in contrast to the actual situation. This supports an expected increase of population sizes in all project sites which is necessary for the structure of viable populations of Emys orbicularis, Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus and the successful preservation of all three species.
To exchange intensively the experiences with regard to habitat and population management of Emys orbicularis in connection with habitat management of Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus. Additionally, in Lithuania concepts of grazing between the participants and other experts, e.g. in questions of keeping hardy grazers will be exchanged.
To educate local inhabitants and involve them in species protection and habitat management activities.
To write a concluding best management guide for small and isolated turtle populations with examples of Emys orbicularis and for small and isolated amphibian populations with examples of Bombina bombina and Triturus christatus including the manifold experiences of the participants in the view of the habitat and population management. The results of the investigations of the population genetics of Emys orbicularis und their importance for the applied species protection will be presented, too.