Protection of Emys orbicularis and amphibians in the North European lowlands (LIFE05NAT/LT/000094)

Protection of Emys orbicularis and amphibians in the North European lowlands
in Germany

Welsetal, Germany

Description of site

Total site area: 149.62 ha, project site area: 62.50 ha. The (pSCI: DE2950-301) area lies on the northern edge of the biosphere reserve Schorfheide-Chorin. Landscapewise it belongs to the land beyond the Mecklenburg-Brandenburger lake plateau (D03) and lies in the end moraine landscape of the Pommerschen stadiums of the Weichsel ice age. The landscape is typified by strong relief, the difference in height being ca. 53m. Along the Welse expansive lowland moors have developed, which are largely typified by sedge and reed moors. The slopes have been colonised by species rich, subcontinental dry and semi-dry grassland. Ponds in the Welse valley are historically utilised waters and the bordering south-facing slopes are brooding areas of Emys orbicularis.


Importance of the site

Super-regionally important distribution and reproductive centre for Emys orbicularis, Bombina bombina, Triturus cristatus, Rana arvalis, Lacerta agilis, Hyla arborea, Bufo viridis, Pelobates fuscus, Castor fiber, Lutra lutra with a corridor function between the Elbe and the Oder rivers.

The following habitat types (listed in the Annex I of EU Habitats Directive) are typical for this area: Floating vegetation of ranunculus of plane rivers (3260), on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (6210)*, eutrophic tall herbs (6430), Transition mires and quaking bogs (7140)

Stobbertal, Germany

Description of site

Total site area: 1,713.12 ha, project site area: 799.80 ha. The project area lies in parts of two pSCI (DE3450-303 and DE3550-309) areas. The first is located on the eastern Brandenburg plateau (D06). The largely agriculturally used morainebased areas are typified by small stretches of water and wooded in partial areas.

The other area lies on the eastern Brandenburg plateau (D06) and in the Odervalley (D07). The valley was created as a drainage channel during the ice age. It is typified by countless moors, damp deciduous woods, dry woods, slope and gorge woods, spring horizons and bordering still waters. The Emys orbicularis project area is notable for its strong area relief. The height difference is ca. 39 m.

Importance of the site

Super-regionally important distribution and reproductive centre for Emys orbicularis, Bombina bombina, Triturus cristatus, Rana arvalis, Hyla arborea, Pelobates fuscus, Bufo viridis, Lacerta agilis, Castor fiber, Lutra lutra with a corridor function between the Elbe and the Oder rivers.

The following habitat types (listed in the Annex I of EU Habitats Directive) are typical for this area: Floating vegetation of ranunculus of plane rivers (3260), eutrophic tall herbs (6430), Stellario-Carpinetum oak-hornbeam forests (9160), Galio-Carpinetum oak-hornbeam forests (9170), Residual alluvial forests (91E0).

Poratz, Germany

Description of site

Total site area: 3,927.54 ha, project site area: 34.50 ha. The pSCI (De2948-304) area belongs landscape-wise to the land beyond the Mecklenburg-Brandenburg lake plateau (D03). The moraine landscape is scattered with large boulders that were deposited by glaciers during the ice age. High and low land, lime and sand, peat moors and lakes alternate. These structure rich landscapes with their high number of nutrient poor sites contain a multitude of endangered animals and plant species.

The project area lies within the interface between woodland and open landscape. The water inhabited by Emys orbicularis lies in a melt water drainage channel, which is part of a strongly structured chain of ponds. Many ponds experience a very strong swing in water levels to such an extent that they can be described as temporary waters, several drying up completely in years of low precipitation. The southern deciduous woods are stocked with mixed deciduous trees, Alder and bushy Willows growing along the riverbanks. The main brooding areas lie to the north of the aquatic habitats on a south facing, slightly rising slope in the open landscape and partially on agricultural land. The height difference between the aquatic habitats and the highest ground is ca. 26 m.

Importance of the site

Super-regionally important distribution and reproductive centre for Emys orbicularis, Bombina bombina, Triturus cristatus, Pelobates fuscus, Hyla arborea, Bufo viridis, Rana lessonae, Rana arvalis, Lacerta agilis, Lutra lutra with a corridor function between the Elbe and the Oder rivers.

The following habitat types (listed in the Annex I of EU Habitats Directive) are typical for this area: Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of chara formations (3140), natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition-type vegetation (3150), dystrophic lakes (3160), eutrophic tall herbs(6430), Transition mires and quaking bogs (7140), Depressions on peat substrates (Rhynchosporion) (7150), Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and Carex davalliana (7210)*, Alcaline fens (7230), Luzulu-Fagetum beech forests (9110), Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests (9130), bog woodland (91D0).

Koelpinsee, Germany

Description of site

Total site area: 1,850.60 ha, project site area: 14.30 ha. The pSCI (DE2847-303) area belongs to the land beyond the Mecklenurg-Bandenburg lake plain. (D03). The base moraine plates were drained by melt water drainage channels that today often encompass lake chains. The waters inhabited by Emys orbicularis lie in a melt water drainage channel as deeply cut cauldron moor, the slopes are stocked with mixed deciduous forest. The moors are entirely irrigated from surface water, and therefore do not have an inlet or an outlet. Due to this an extremely strong swing in water level occurs, which in years of low precipitation can lead to the site almost completely drying up. The main nesting sites lie to the north of the inhabited waters on a southern facing slightly rising slope in the open landscape.

The project area is typified by a strong relief. The height difference between inhabited waters and the highest ground is ca. 34 m.

Importance of the site

Super Super-regionally important distribution and reproductive centre for Emys orbicularis, Bombina bombina, Triturus cristatus, Rana arvalis, Rana lessonae, Lacerta agilis, Hyla arborea, Bufo viridis, Pelobates fuscus, Lutra lutra with a corridor function between the Elbe and the Oder rivers.

The following habitat types (listed in the Annex I of EU Habitats Directive) are typical for this area: Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of chara formations (3140), natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition-type vegetation (3150), eutrophic tall herbs (6430), Calcareos fens with Cladium mariscus and Carex davalliana (7210)*.

Brodowin-Parstein, Germany

Description of site

Total site area: 2,667.33 ha, project site area: 226.25 ha. The project area stretches over portions of two pSCI (DE3050-301 and DE3149-303) areas. The area belongs to the landscape beyond the Mecklenburg-Brandenburg lake plain (D03). It consists of hilly ground moraine areas which are agriculturally used. The Chorin end moraine bow is stocked with wood. The landscape unites in a small space a particular manifold of relief. The maximal height difference is ca. 42 m.

The eastern portion of the project area lies in an open agricultural landscape, whereas the western part lies in a wooded area. In both portions are many ponds, some of them belong to the temporary types.

Importance of the site

Super-regionally important distribution and reproductive centre for Emys orbicularis, Bombina bombina, Triturus cristatus, Rana arvalis, Lacerta agilis, Hyla arborea, Bufo viridis, Pelobates fuscus, Lutra lutra with a corridor function between the Elbe and the Oder rivers.

The following habitat types (listed in the Annex I of EU Habitats Directive) are typical for this area: Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of chara formations (3140), natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition-type vegetation (3150), on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (6210)*, eutrophic tall herbs (6430), Lowland hay meadows (Alopecturus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis) (6510), Transition mires and quaking bogs (7140), Depressions on peat substrates (Rhynchosporion) (7150), Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests (9130).

Rhinluch, Germany

Description of site

Total site area: 1,641 ha, project site area: 300 ha. The Upper Rhinluch (pSCI DE3243-301) is a paludal moor degraded following intensive land use and melioration especially during the 1970s. Currently extensive agriculture practised or land unused, although still widespread drainage. The ground water level lies 150 cm under field surface in Summer. The relief of the fen is very low, the maximal height difference is ca. 1 m.

Ca. 30 percent of the 14.000 ha of the Upper Rhinluch has the potential for long term moor regeneration i.e. stabilisation with the currently available amounts of water (regeneration of the retention function of the Upper Rhinluch). In the potentially flooded areas a wide spread extensive agriculture is practised (KULAP, contract nature conservation). To date due to too low water levels is only of small effect for nature conservation.

The project area lies in the pSCI area „Upper Rhinluch“, it is located between the Linum ponds (400 ha area with fish ponds of varying use intensities) and the nature reserve Kremmener Luch (pSCI area). Bombina bombina has been recorded breeding in a few ponds just outside the project area, where Triturus cristatus, Rana arvalis, Rana lessonae, Rana ridibunda, Pelobates fuscus also breed. Preserving existing Bombina bombina breeding ponds and creating new ones will benefit all the other amphibian species and even the partly amphibian predators, such as the reptile species Natrix natrix and the mammal Lutra lutra. The low level dissection of the land of the Upper Rhinluch is of positive effect for the distribution of amphibians.

The Upper Rhinluch is one of the best researched low lying moors in Europe (many hydrological studies and complex long term examinations): Ecological Development Concept for the Upper Rhinluch (ZALF-Zentrum für Agrarlandschafts- und Landnutzungsforschung, Kretschmer, 2000).

Importance of the site

Super-regionally important distribution and reproductive centre for Bombina bombina, Lutra lutra and Castor fiber albicus with a corridor function between the Elbe and the Oder rivers.

Grus grus: most important inland resting place in central Europe (> 40 000 during autumn migration); Anser albifronts, A. fabilis: autumn roost for > 50 000 individuals; Vanellus vanellus: > 8 000 during autumn migration; Pluvialis apricaria: max. 2200 Ex. (2001); Ciconia ciconia: 30 breeding pairs; Milvus migrans: > 1 breeding pair; Milvus milvus: > 1 breeding pair; Alcedo attis: 3 breeding pairs; Crex crex: max. 10 (calls recorded, 1995); Ixobrychus minutus: 2-3 breeding pairs; Haliaeetus albicilla: 2 breeding pairs; Sterna hirundo: > 20 breeding pairs; Locustella luscinioides: > 47 breeding pairs (1995); Circus aeruginosus: > 1 breeding pair; Porzana porzana: max. 10 Ex. (calls recorded); Anas clypeata: max. 900 Ex. (2001); Anas strepera: max. 380 Ex. (2000); Anas querquedula: > 1 breeding pair; Luscinia svecica: 2-3 breeding pairs; Botaurus stellaris: 1 breeding pair (1995; now: scattered solitary calls recorded); Myotis dasycneme; Misgurnus fossilis; Cobitis taenia, Vertigo moulinsiana.

The following habitat types (listed in the Annex I of EU Habitats Directive) are typical for this area: Floating vegetation of ranunculus of plane rivers (3260), eutrophic tall herbs (6430), Residual alluvial forests (91E0).