Total site area: 18,490 ha, project site area: 2,002 ha. Zuvintas Biosphere Reserve (pSCI: Ltaly0005) is situated in Alytus and Marijampole districts at the south- western edge of the physical - geographical region of the plateau between the middle reaches of the Nemunas River and lower reaches of the Neris River. It is comprised of shallow eutrophic lake of Zuvintas (880 ha, 87,2 m above sea level) and wetlands, stretched to its West, Southwest and North of it (up to 92,5 m above sea level), formed after a lake was once bigger in area by 5.5 times was overgrown. The whole complex is situated in an oval-shaped marshy limno-glacial depression stretching from NE to SW, which is encircled from all sides by peripheral moraine recessional formations having been washed by pre-glacial lakes, i.e. of shallow hilly ridges and wavy landscape strips (110-135 m above sea level).
33 % of the reserve is made of forests, 34 % - agriculture land, 21 % - swamps, 8 % - water bodies. The total amount of plants was reported about 1000 species, 30 of them are protected. 2500 species animals were reported, 2200 of them were invertebrates, 220 - birds, 15 amphibians and reptiles, 21 - fishes, and 43 - mammals.
The following habitat types (listed in the Annex I of EU Habitats Directive) are present in this area: Peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils (6410), Northern boreal alluvial meadows (6450), Transmission mires and quaking bogs (7140), Fennoscandian mineral-rich springs and springfens (7160), Alkaline fens (7230).
Zuvintas is a potential key area of Bombina bombina in Lithuania. Now, it is one from ten most important Bombina bombina territories in the country. There are found up to 100 adults of Bombina bombina here. Unfortunately, because of end of traditional farming, this territory overgrew by scrubs and reeds. Also overgrew ponds suitable for breeding sites.
After improving it would be important as migration corridor and resting area for Emys orbicularis. Single migrating individuals of Emys orbicularis are observed in the reserve almost every year. Bufo viridis, Pelobates fuscus, Rana lessonae and Rana arvalis (Annex IV species of EU Habitats Directive) occur in the area. Rana arvalis and Rana lessonae are widespread and numerous species in this area.
Total site area: 12,050 ha, project site area: 75 ha. Slavantai (pSCI: Ltlaz0022) is located in north-western part of the Veisiejai Regional Park. It is situated in Suduva Upland. The relief is complex and was mostly formed of sediments left over from the melting of continental ice during the glaciations.
The loss of ponds has forced individuals of Emys orbicularis to colonize artificial ponds near and in villages. Moderately strong populations of Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus are found in Zervyliai Lake. However open, sunlit places is overgrowing by scrubs.
The following habitat types (listed in the Annex I of EU Habitats Directive) are present in this area: Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamiom or Hydrocharition type vegetation (3150), Natural dystrophic lakes and ponds (3160).
Ciconia ciconia, Ciconia nigra, Haliaeetus albicilla, Crex crex, Dendrocopus major and Picoides tridactyles (Annex I species of EU Birds Directive) occur in the area. Perdis perdis, Vanellus vanellus, Gallinago gallinago and Scolopax rusticola (Annex II/1 species of EU Birds Directive) exist there, too.
According to historical data in Slavantai forests bogs Emys orbicularis was common. Today, local populations are decimated and more isolated from others. Open areas and ponds are overgrown by scrubs and trees. Thereby, many nesting sites and home ponds of the turtles were lost. Digging new ponds, restoring old bogs and removing bank scrubs would ensure suitable hibernation, feeding and basking conditions for Emys orbicularis. Cutting bushes and trees on old nesting sites would guarantee successful reproduction. In order to increase the capacity for bigger and more viable local population, the number of suitable ponds and nesting sites needs to be improved.
In the area, at the moment, is observed abundant population of Bombina bombina (around 500 adult individuals). Moreover, in this site Triturus cristatus is a common species. Management works will improve living and breeding conditions of these species.
Bufo viridis, Bufo calamita, Rana arvalis, Rana lessonae and Pelobates fuscus (Annex IV species of EU Habitats Directive) as well as Triturus vulgaris occur in the area. Rana arvalis and Rana lessonae are widespread and numerous species in this area. These species will benefit also from the project actions.
Total site area: 12,050 ha, project site area: 566 ha. Petroskai (pSCI: Ltlaz0020) is situated in Lazdijai district, in the south-western part of Veisiejai Regional Park. It is situated in Suduva Upland. The project area is partially includes the regional park area. Mixed forests are dominated by spruces with intermixture of common broad-leaved trees (oaks, hornbeam, lime). Open places remained with little water bodies; those are overgrown with scrubs and trees. In the small water bodies single Emys orbicularis are found. So the local population in this area is far dispersed and a lot of individuals are spread upon many artificial ponds near farms. There exist also small populations of Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus in the area. Extensive forestry was carried out in these territories.
The following habitat types (listed in the Annex I of EU Habitats Directive) are present in this area: Natural dystrophic lakes and ponds (3160), Western taiga (9010), Fennoscandian herb-rich forests with Picea abies (9050), Fennoscandian deciduous swamp woods (9080).
Ciconia ciconia, Ciconia nigra, Haliaeetus albicilla, Crex crex, Dendrocopus major and Picoides tridactyles (Annex I species of EU Birds Directive) occur in the area. Perdis perdis, Vanellus vanellus, Gallinago gallinago and Scolopax rusticola (Annex II/1 species of EU Birds Directive) exist there, too.
According to historical data in Petroskai forests ponds near homesteads, Emys orbicularis was common. Due to the loss of suitable habitats during the last century the current situation indicates, that the number of local populations and their sizes are increased. Now open hilly slopes suitable as nesting sites and different pond types are overgrown by shrubs and trees and consequently lost, which means that living and reproduction conditions are distinctly decimated. After taking the project actions Emys orbicularis living territory and the capacity for a bigger local population will be enlarged. Necessary population growth for a viable population can follow.
In present water ponds populations of Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus are found. Management of these ponds will improve breeding conditions and will strengthen existing populations. Bufo calamita, Rana arvalis, Rana lessonae and Pelobates fuscus (Annex IV species of EU Habitats Directive) as well as Triturus vulgaris occur in the area. Rana arvalis and Rana lessonae are widespread and numerous species in this area. These species will benefit also from the project actions.
Total site area: 15,100 ha, project site area: 420 ha. Meteliai Region Park (pSCI: Ltlaz0028) was established in 1997 on the basis of Meteliai landscape reserve (established in 1960) by joining together Trakai botanical reserve (1960), Teiziai geomorphological reserve (1988) and Kalniškė landscape reserve (1988).
Territory of the Meteliai Regional Park is divided into two physical-geographical regions. The depression filled up with the park lakes, belongs to the plateau region CXIII between the middle reaches of the Nemunas River and middle reaches of the Nemunas River and the lower reaches of the Neris River, whilst the southern part of the Baltic highlands bend which surrounds the depression from the West, South and East, is assigned to the physical-geographical region DXVI and of the Southern Lithuanian highlands.
From the zoological respect, the Great southern Lithuanian lakes and shorelines are of special value for aquatic birds. Complex of Juodabalė ponds in wetlands in the south of the park is especially valuable for pond turtles and amphibians.
The following habitat types (listed in the Annex I of EU Habitats Directive) are present in this area: Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (6210), Northern boreal alluvial meadows (6450), Active raised bogs (7110), Transmission mires and quaking bogs (7140), Alkaline fens (7230), Bog woodland (91D0).
Population of Emys orbicularis in the area make up about 5 % of the total estimated population of the species in Lithuania. In this area, Emys orbicularis habitat complexes (hibernation-, mating- and summer ponds, nesting sites) are relatively well kept especially after the first conservation project. Further habitat improvements in this area would allow a fast population growth which is essential for a long-term survival of the turtles in Meteliai Regional Park. Near by one local turtle population of Bestraigiske (about 2 km away) exists. Reconstruction of the corridors between the local populations will make individual exchange and recolonizations of these local populations easier.
Bombina bombina and Triturus vulgaris, (Annex II species of EU Habitats Directive); Rana arvalis, Rana lessonae, Pelobates fuscus and Bufo calamita (Annex IV species of EU Habitats Directive) occur in the area, Rana arvalis and Rana lessonae are widespread and numerous species in this area.
Total site area: 85 ha, project site area: 85 ha. Kučiuliškė Herpetological Reserve (pSCI: Ltlaz0001) is situated in the southern part of Lithuania, Alytus district, Noragėliai municipality. Territory of the reserve belongs to the southern part of Miroslavas ridged moraine highland. The prevailing mechanical composition of the soil is sand and gravel.
During the spring and summer the mean temperature in the reserve is approximately 0.5-1.0°C higher than in other regions in central and northern Lithuania. In Kuciuliske periods with temperatures higher than 10°C (in average 145-150 days) and higher than 15°C (in average 85-90 days) last longer for 10-15 days.
Kuciuliske belongs to the region with a low density river network, 0.5-0.75 km/km2 in average. The reserve contains 8 permanent and temporary ponds and overgrown wetlands with upland bogs vegetation. All existing ponds are threatened by overgrowing. Inside the reserve deciduous forests and afforested pine forests and extensively used meadows are found.
Ciconia ciconia (Annex I species of EU Birds Directive) and Scolopax rusticola (Annex II/1 species of EU Birds Directive) forage there.
Kučiuliškė Herpetological Reserve is one of the key areas for southern Emys orbicularis populations in Lithuania about 8 % of the species total Lithuanian population is situated here. The current availability of the habitat types (pond types, open slopes) and the capacity doesnt allow a bigger local population. Improvements of pond systems and nesting areas will initiate a necessary population growth and guarantee a long-term survival of this population. In distances up to 5 km three local populations exist.
Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus are found in present water bodies. Management of these ponds will improve breeding conditions and sustain populations.
Natrix natrix, Lacerta agilis, Rana arvalis, Rana lessonae, Pelobates fuscus, Bufo viridis and Bufo calamita (Annex IV species of EU Habitats Directive) as well as Anguis fragilis, Bufo bufo and Triturus vulgaris occur in the area. Rana arvalis and Rana lessonae are widespread in this area.
Total site area: 24 ha, project site area: 24 ha. Straciunai Herpetological Reserve (pSCI: Ltlaz0002) is situated in Lazdijai District. It is a part of proposed NATURA 2000 sites for Emys orbicularis in Lithuania. The mean annual air temperature is about 6.2°C, with an average amount of 570-630 mm precipitation per year. An eutrophic lake is situated In the south of the reserve make up to 40 % of the area.
Ciconia ciconia (Annex I species of EU Birds Directive) and Aythya fuligula (Annex II/1 species of EU Birds Directive) occur there.
The whole local population of Emys orbicularis is far dispersed in the area, because the current situation doesnt allow a bigger number of individuals in this area. It is necessary to improve the habitat inside the reserve in order to attract the dispersed individuals and to increase the capacity for a viable turtle population. However, the area is important as a part of Emys orbicularis network of local populations. In distances up to 5 km at least two local populations exist.
Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus (Annex II species of EU Habitats Directive) are found in the area. Rana arvalis and Rana lessonae (Annex IV species of EU Habitats Directive) are widespread in this area.
Total site area: 162 ha, project site area: 162 ha. Bestraigiškė (to be proposed for Natura 2000) is situated in South Lithuania, Alytus district, Avižieniai municipality. The mean annual air temperature is about 6.2°C, with an average amount of 570-630 mm precipitation per year. A small dystrophic lake, inhabited by Emys orbicularis, belongs to Leipalingis forestry of Veisiejai stewardship.
This Emys orbicularis population is an important neighbour population of the local population in the Meteliai Regional Park and would be a good connection between the populations in Meteliai and Veisiejai Regional Park. After improving the situation of ponds and creating suitable areas for nesting in this area, it can be established an viable population of Emys orbicularis with a function as source population.
Other projects target species Bombina bombina and Triturus cristatus (Annex II species of EU Habitats Directive) are found in the area. Lacerta agilis, Rana arvalis and Rana lessonae (Annex IV species of EU Habitats Directive) inhabit this area.