Nature management

A large part of our country’s natural riches have evolved in the course of time. Some, however, appeared in response to human activities. For instance, natural meadows and some wetland habitats exist only due to an interaction between nature and traditional farming: for instance, people made hay and allowed livestock to graze for centuries. But once the economic situation changes or for some other reasons farming is discontinued, the forsaken meadows quickly change their grass flora, bushes and trees start to grow, and gradually the habitat loses its riches. Therefore, in order to preserve natural riches and biodiversity, it is insufficient to adopt legal instruments regulating environmental protection or to establish protected areas. Very often, a strong protection of natural riches can be ensured only by applying practical measures for the management of a protected area, measures that are foreseen in a nature management plan specifically prepared for a certain area.

The nature management plan is a document of strategic planning, which evaluates and describes the state of a protected area or an ecological state of such area’s section, the possibilities and issues of landscape protection and management, and the protected species of threatened animals, plants, mushrooms, and their current and natural habitats. The document also sets area management goals as well as management and protection measures, in addition to providing information about the finances and people needed to take these measures. Specialists who prepare such a document carefully analyze the state of every habitat or species and their environmental situation to determine what nature management measures have to be undertaken in each given territory (e.g. hay-making, grazing, cutting of bushes, reestablishment of the former water level, etc.).

The preparation of nature management plans is one of the Lithuania Fund for Nature’s activities. The Fund will carry out the following projects in this field:

Preparation of nature management plans (Stage One, 2010 2011)
Head of the project: Edmundas Greimas
The service of preparing nature management plans for the protected areas in the network of 40 areas in eastern and western Lithuania, as specified in “Natura 2000,” is provided under the project, “Preparation of Documents for the Establishment and Planning of Protected Areas (Stage One)” (No. VP3-1.4-AM-02-V-01-002). The project is jointly funded by the European Union Structural Funds and the Republic of Lithuania. The State Service for Protected Areas at the Ministry of Environment is providing this service.
A list of nature management plans under preparation can be downloaded here.

The nature management plans have been prepared in cooperation with the Nature Heritage Fund in Lithuania.
The work will commence on April 1, 2010, and is expected to end on October 31, 2011.

Preparation of nature management plans (Stage Two, 2011 2012
Head of the project: Edmundas Greimas
Žydrūnas Sinkevičius
The service of preparing wildlife management plans for the protected areas in the network of 22 areas in Lithuania, as specified in “Natura 2000,” is provided under the project, “Preparation of Documents for the Establishment and Planning of Protected Areas (Stage Two)” (No. VP3-1.4-AM-02-V-01-007). The project is jointly funded by the European Union Structural Funds and the Republic of Lithuania. The State Service for Protected Areas at the Ministry of Environment is providing this service.

A list of nature management plans under preparation can be downloaded here.
The wildlife management plans have been prepared in cooperation with the Nature Heritage Fund in Lithuania.
The work will commence on April 4, 2011, and is expected to end on October 30, 2012.