Implemented projects

Biodiversity and Conservation Values on Former Soviet Military Areas in Lithuania (1992 - 1994)
Project manager: Pranas Mierauskas (

Project took place in nine Lithuanian military ground sites - Gaiziunai, Gudonas, Kairiai, Kalviai, Kazlu Ruda, Nemirseta, Pabrade, Pariece and Rudininkai. Goal: to evaluate the status of biodiversity, to propose designation of protected areas in the most valuable sites, to provide zoning schemes of military areas and to publish information publication about natural values in these areas for the general public. Results: the Report on the status of biodiversity was prepared, protected areas (botanical, zoological, zoological - botanical, swamps and landscape reserves) were designated in the proposed territories and the information was published in Larks Above the Military Areas (1994).

Partners and Supporters:
Pasaulio gamtos fondas (WWF)