Implemented projects
Aim of the project: promote environment and biodiversity-friendly farming in Lithuania by educating farmers about the best farming practice in the countries of the Baltic region: Latvia, Estonia, and Scandinavia.
Activities of the project: election of the most environment-friendly farmer. The competition is held in the Baltic region. Only farmers that are implementing and applying pollution and nature protection measures in their activities can participate in the contest. The national winner will be rewarded with 1000 Euro, whereas the regional winner will receive the prise of 10.000 Euro.
Preparation of the best practice guidelines. The publications will include good examples of sustainable farming from Scandinavia (Sweden, Finland, Netherlands) and other Baltic countries.
Meetings with farmers, lectures at agricultural colleges. In order to spread good practice and promote its implementation, opportunities will be discussed with farmers as well as with students, future agronomists, and agriculturists.
Establishment of model farms. Having found proper farmers, examples of good practice shall be implemented in their farms according to the situation.